reedy to roll

ok the reeds are in, the glove box is in and I am now deciding whether it is naff to put the vapor enduro computer on the headset or down near the glovebox. I have a standard 2 inch round temp guage with a chrome holder, but (as the speedo will not be connected) I will also have to install a bicycle computer. I would then have to wire up lights in order to see the guages at night. If I decide for the vapor ( ) on the headset I will do it right away and start with that. If I decide on a vapor for behind the legshield I will make do with the round gauge then buy a vapor later. Here's a computer mockup of what it may look like... (note the new glovebox)

Arguments for and against the headset mounting....
for - I built this scooter for a purpose, and on the headset i can easily see speed, temp, rpm, distence etc. (internal light)
against - It will look blatantly unoriginal
for - It is the VNA split headset, so I can get another in the future and get it back to oldy worldy.
for - I am getting to like the idea of having something unique. The scooter is made up of so many different parts anyway.
against - It could look ugly, but I don't think I'll really know until I do it. I will get one sooner or later so there's no harm in sitting it there to see how it looks.
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