Dirty Scooters - Lambretta Li 150 series 2 restore and 64 GL malossi 221

this blog is a record of my scooter projects. The Dirty Rocket is finished for now, and I am about to begin restoring a '58 Lambretta Li150 series 2. The Dirty rocket started out as an attempt to build my ideal scooter from a rusted bare heap for as little money as possible. (The frame is a '57 VNA) now a 64 GL frame. TO FOLLOW THIS CHRONOLOGICALLY, START FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE... AND Please leave comments/ tips/ warnings!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

feeling cranky

well today the crank and head arrived, but the wait saw loads of gardening get done.
They were packed badly with the crank exposed to any impact during transit. we will only really know if it has been knocked out of true when I start it.
I installed the crank, eventually got the flyside inner race on and closed up the cases.
The crank spins ok, and I put the cylinder on. As it is a long stroke crank and I am using the deepened head rather than a thick base gasket, I must be careful to align the head so the piston doesn't hit the head on the way to top dead centre.
Oh, and also I had to dremel off soem of the malossi reed block to get the cases to close up.
Tomorrow night the engine goes in the bike... yikes!


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