Dirty Scooters - Lambretta Li 150 series 2 restore and 64 GL malossi 221

this blog is a record of my scooter projects. The Dirty Rocket is finished for now, and I am about to begin restoring a '58 Lambretta Li150 series 2. The Dirty rocket started out as an attempt to build my ideal scooter from a rusted bare heap for as little money as possible. (The frame is a '57 VNA) now a 64 GL frame. TO FOLLOW THIS CHRONOLOGICALLY, START FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE... AND Please leave comments/ tips/ warnings!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Taking a peek at the Map - of- Tassie

I'm taking the dirty rocket to Tasmania with the Wife as a pillion as well as all the camping gear.
This trip has symbolically represented the 'goal' of the GL project. A classic scooter with enough grunt to take us both around Tasmania.
I must admit my wife was surprised when i said I had booked the ferry. Even though I have gone on about doing it for a few years, I think she was hoping the dream would fizzle out.
I found this....
Either it will sling across the back of the seat giving my wife lumbar support while the bags hang on the back of the cowls, or I will make a support to put it on the back rack. We'll see when it arrives.


At 8:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey there, where did you get those saddle bags from please??

phil -UK


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