Dirty Scooters - Lambretta Li 150 series 2 restore and 64 GL malossi 221

this blog is a record of my scooter projects. The Dirty Rocket is finished for now, and I am about to begin restoring a '58 Lambretta Li150 series 2. The Dirty rocket started out as an attempt to build my ideal scooter from a rusted bare heap for as little money as possible. (The frame is a '57 VNA) now a 64 GL frame. TO FOLLOW THIS CHRONOLOGICALLY, START FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE... AND Please leave comments/ tips/ warnings!!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

pump up the jam - but not the fuel

I have been asking around whether the vacuum pulse in the inlet manifold of a sidedraught carb (rotary induction) will suffice to run a small fuel pump...... no-one gave me a straigh answer so I thought I'd give it a go.

Update - I have just tapped a 1/4" line from the base of my inlet manifold (rotary pwk clone) and attached a fuel pump for testing.
I held one end in a bottle of fuel and the other over a bowl. The rise from the level on the bottle to the outlet was about 6" and I kept he hose lengths to a minimum. vacuum line length 8".
Nothing happened until I raised the bottle and removed air from the lines then....
At about 1/4 throttle it pumped fuel. Easily enough for 1/4 throttle riding.
AT 5000 rpm it was still pumping.
It slowed down at 6-7000
At flat stick it stopped pumping (8-9000rpm)

Currently I would call the project a failure, but I will do some more testing outside (I feel quite sick right now) and with the pump hooked up to the tank.

I am giving the motor a once over with the cases open when I put in in the project GL later this year, so I will tap the case then (remind me someone).

THe good thing is I achieved soemthing with the jetting.
Basically I oiled the air filted, restricting air and making it too rich. I then leaned out everything except the main jet.
132 main
JJH needle second position
38 idle
screw 2 turns out

I also rode aroud with a spare fuel bottle waiting to see at what stage the carb began starving for fuel. I was very please with getting 7 litres used up with no running out (I chickened out in the end) leaving only half a litre in the tank. Gold.

By the way I only got 100km from those 7 litres, but things might improve with a leaner mixture.


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