Dirty Scooters - Lambretta Li 150 series 2 restore and 64 GL malossi 221

this blog is a record of my scooter projects. The Dirty Rocket is finished for now, and I am about to begin restoring a '58 Lambretta Li150 series 2. The Dirty rocket started out as an attempt to build my ideal scooter from a rusted bare heap for as little money as possible. (The frame is a '57 VNA) now a 64 GL frame. TO FOLLOW THIS CHRONOLOGICALLY, START FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE... AND Please leave comments/ tips/ warnings!!!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

engine swap one day, cases open again the next...

The process of swapping my stock motor for the malossi 210 kitted motor was a fun one. It was pretty straight forward but for a few huccups. I have just split the cases again (in the bike) to replace the kickstart quadrant and spring....

I have decided to describe this process with copies of my posts on various forums.......

International scooterBBS - June 5

After many months of getting bits and bobs together I have finally put the malossi 210 in my LMLT5 frame... and it runs!
It is my first time and I am pretty pleased.
Just one question......
The splines for the kickstart are about 25 degrees too low. Either I put the thing together wrong when I split the cases last month, or it is the wrong gear inside. The engine was originally put together by someone about 6 years ago.

If I have put it together wrong is it ok to adapt the kickstart to sit in the right spot?

If it is the wrong internal, is that ok, and how do I find out whick model kickstart to get? (this would be ironic as I have bought a scootrs kickstart lever to look oldy worldy but fit a PX motor).

This motor is going in my GL frame once it is run in and dialed in nicely.

LML-t5 .. p200e motor...sito plus 22 main
VNA basket case on jig - going to be a pot stand.
210 motor on bench... not any more

Are you missing the rubber kickstart buffer on the inside of the case?

no, that was in there.
If the bike is on the stand and I climb on a chair, The kickstart works perfectly normally, only too far down. I guess I could put the bike over a pot hole to start it.


does your kick start fit like this one does?

{cut and paste the whole link above as the ()'s cause the link to go all screwy}

if so you have the wrong kickstart pedal and quadrant combo. The one above is a rally pedal on a P-series quadrant.



good work Tim. Mine goes the other way (down) so I am hoping I have a rally quadrant in there. Hopefully this won't do any harm to the p-motor.
All I have to do is get a rally kicker, yes?


The engine was originally put together to go into a GS frame, so a rally quadrant was inserted.
Thanks for your help folks


Melbourne Vespa Connection - 9pm June 8

"well, after a disappointing first day with the malossi kit (the kickstart quatrant was bent causing it to not return) I bit the bullet and spent the afternoon splitting the cases (p200) to replace the kickstart gizzards.

I haven't been out on the road yet but it starts and goes through the gears.

once it was started last night and this morning, it went really well. Only issue is the vibrations which are probably due to the clauss studios hardened engine mounts and the mount bolt done up too tight."


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